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Keeping Your Data Secure

With ClearGate, you’re in safe hands – PCI Compliance made simple, $100k in breach insurance, plus a platform with strict security principles at its core.

PCI SSC Overview

The PCI Security Standards Council offers robust and comprehensive standards and supporting materials to enhance payment card data security. These materials include a framework of specifications, tools, measurements and support resources to help organizations ensure the safe handling of cardholder information at every step. The keystone is the PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which provides an actionable framework for developing a robust payment card data security process — including prevention, detection and appropriate reaction to security incidents.

Tools to assist organizations validate their PCI DSS compliance include Self Assessment Questionnaires. Some of the tools available to help organizations become PCI DSS-compliant are listed in this chart.

What is PCI-DSS?

Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standards

The PCI-DSS mandates that certain steps be taken by all who accept credit cards to ensure the security of the cardholder information. Click here to review what is required to reach PCI’s DSS compliance.

What is a PCI-PA?

Payment Card Industry – Payment Application

To check if a PA is validated, click here.

What is PA-DSS?

Payment Application – Data Security Standard

These standards mandate that all payment applications (software) be validated by a PCI SSC QSA. Click here to visit the official website.

What is PCI-SSC?

Payment Card Industry – Security Standards Council

For the official website for PCI, click here.

What is a PCI SSC QSA?

Payment Card Industry – Security Standards Council Qualified Security Assessor

Is ClearGate PCI Level 1 Compliant?

Yes! ClearGate is certified Level 1 PCI DSS compliant.

ClearGate is certified PCI compliant on the following lists:

How to Start the Compliance Process

The First Step in reaching compliance as a ClearGate Merchant is to begin the PCI Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ). The answers you provide in the SAQ will dictate whether you require additional compliance steps such as quarterly network scanning.

  • UserID: Your 15 or 16 digit Merchant Number (which can be found on your merchant statement)
  • One-time password: The last 5 numbers of your merchant ID and capitalized abbreviated state code.
    • For example, if the last 5 digits of your merchant number are 91307 and your state is California, your password would be 91307CA.

After your initial setup, you will create a unique password, and your one-time password will no longer work, so be sure to retain that in your records.

Do you have questions regarding your PCI Insurance Coverage?

If you have any trouble logging into the system, please call our Customer Support Team at 866-779-4787 option #6 or email us at support@cleargate.com. Please include your merchant ID # in any emails.